Complete this form to request remote /electronic meeting participation at a Planning Council or Committee of Adjustment meeting. Electronic Participation requests must be submitted prior to noon the day before the scheduled meeting you wish to attend.
PLEASE NOTE: While electronic participation is available for the public, the meeting's primary location is in-person inside the Council Chambers. The Town Policy regarding Electronic Meeting Participation notes that the meeting will continue regardless of the participants ability to connect or maintain a connection electronically.  If a participant loses connectivity during the meeting for more than 2 consecutive minutes, they will be deemed to have left the meeting. Technical support is not available during a live meeting. Please review the Town Policy regarding Electronic Meeting Participation for futher information.
Visual presentations (PowerPoint, pdf. video, etc.) are permitted during electronic participation. Electronic participants will be able to share their screen directly within the audio-visual system. Please note, however, that screen sharing is not supported on mobile devices.
The Town of Gravenhurst uses the MVI EasyConf Connect Conference system to facilitate electronic audio-visual participation in Council and Committee meetings If you have not used EasyConf Connect software before, it is recommended to do a test connection with town staff prior to the scheduled meeting.
Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and becomes part of the public record. Questions with respect to the collection and use of this information should be directed to the Legislative Services Department, Town of Gravenhurst, 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1Z3.
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